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    We are a firm specialized in criminal defense of the accused as of the victim. With a long experience of more than 30 years in the legal discipline of Criminal Law, Lic. José Francisco Madrigal is a renowned criminal lawyer from Costa Rica.

    Our Values

    • JUSTICE. It is our main objective. Materialize our experience in the fairest result for the client.
    • EFFICIENCY. Nowadays, time is money, but the quality of work has decreased. Our main interest is to reduce response times to the client, who will receive a first-class professional service, at the lowest possible cost. We call that Efficiency.
    • EMPATHY. Criminal Law is a discipline whose practice exposes the user to a high level of vulnerability. The lawyer must not only identify with the legal case but mainly with the client. For this reason, our client will feel confident in putting their problem in our hands, because we know how to listen to it and we become sensitive to their emotional needs that accompany the legal conflict. That is the empathy that we guarantee to the client.

    At the end of the 80’s, he took his first steps as a legal assistant in this matter, while educating himself with the best professor-litigants offered by the University of Costa Rica, obtaining his Bachelor of Law Degree with honorable mention.

    Throughout their professional careers, former presidents of the Republic, ministers, judges, deputies and other leaders of public institutions have placed their trust, obtaining satisfactory results in the resolution of their conflicts. Hence, the Professional in Law who will attend your case has a privileged knowledge of functional crime.

    Women victims of domestic violence and abused children have found their emotional burden lightened, product of the experience that the lawyer has in this type of crimes, who offers interdisciplinary care of the case, with a team of excellence in forensic psychological expertise.

    Regarding scams and other frauds (contract fraud, simulation fraud, fraudulent administration and misappropriation, among others), it has a long-standing forensic practice. Whether you are a defendant or a victim, we will handle your case with great performance. His vast knowledge in accounting concepts, in economic reports, in business administration, in financial concepts, in securities, in securities markets and other related disciplines, facilitate the way for Mr. Madrigal to present the legal strategy of his case, with great professional domain of the extra-criminal sphere that surrounds this class of crimes. In this way, Lic. Madrigal has a wide margin of success in dealing with these crimes, not forgetting that he has incorporated in his work team, highly reputable experts in the field of graphoscopy (for all those frauds that involve documentary forgeries), in the field of accounting and in the field of finance.

    Recently, knowledge on cybercrime has been deepening, incorporating cybersecurity experts as part of the team.

    In the last time we have been deepening our knowledge on cybercrime, having – in turn – cybersecurity experts.

    If your case is identified with crimes against life, Mr. Madrigal has defended media causes of intentional homicides with the advice of forensic experts specialized in ballistics and experts in specific tests such as luminol, gunpowder test in hands, autopsies. Regarding ​​homicides and wrongful injuries, Mr. Madrigal has addressed many criminal cases for medical malpractice, as well as cases of traffic accidents. In this area, it has been a healthy practice for Lic. Madrigal to have excellent forensic doctors and experts in interpreting dynamics in traffic events.

    Mr. Madrigal has been one of the few litigants who, in Costa Rica, have defended a Tax Fraud case – successfully – until the trial phase, acquiring a legal culture of tax matters, essential for a law operator who tries to litigate in a cognitive area as specific as Tax Law

    On the other hand, his formal instruction, with advanced master’s courses in Intellectual Property, have provided Lic. Madrigal with extremely useful teaching material in dealing with criminal cases related to the violation of rights acquired through Intellectual Property. So, Lic. Madrigal has specialized training in the crimes contemplated in the Law on Procedures for the Observance of Intellectual Property Rights.

    And among the latest challenges proposed by Lic. Madrigal, it is in the subject of Compliance and its relationship with the criminal liability of companies. In this sense, Lic. Madrigal, along with the Óscar Eduardo Víquez Master, have developed a company destined to the complete consultancy of companies, in the regulatory compliance established by Law No. 9699.